rps20150603_203640We only got 11 and 1/4 road miles in today even though we actually walked closer to 13. We left Kunming and started walking along the 324. It was a traffic jam of such proportions that the firemen in the firetruck that we passed eventually got out of their big red fire engine, grabbed their gear and fire extinguishers and walked to whatever emergency they were attending to. Doug and I are now having a little dinner and enjoying our new favorite beer. It’s our favorite because 2 nights ago when Doug bought a bottle, the message in the cap said he’d won a free one. I wish I knew where those firemen are now because they deserve a cold one too (even though the beer here is always warm).
PS: Now we love this beer even more. We just showed our bottle caps to the restsaurant owners and one of our caps was a winner. THREE FREE BEERS!

About Micae Martinet

2 Responses to “We Still Think We’ve Earned A Beer”

  1. Hollie

    Just wanted you to know I am living vicariously though your website! Following along and enjoying the adventures!

    • Micae Martinet

      Thanks Hollies, comments like yours make it a little bit easier for me to put my pack on some mornings. : )

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