Before I became an interpreter I had met exactly 2 Deaf people in my life. Something very interesting has happened since then. I literally cannot leave the country without meeting Deaf people. It has happened in every country I have visited. I ceased to be surprised by this phenomena a long time ago. I am however immensely pleased every time it does happen. It happened again today. Doug and I took a short-cut on a city street and squeezed through some bushes and there they were sitting on the other side. Doug noticed them first and told that they were deaf because he had seen them signing. I turned around and asked the woman, YOU DEAF? and she answered yes and then asked me if I was Deaf and I told her that I was hearing and an interpreter. Doug got out his phone and typed “interpreter for deaf” into Google translate and showed it to her. She was so excited by this. We shared a big warm hug and then she took a picture of Doug and I and then we took a group shot with Doug’s phone. Here we all are. rps20150603_185727

About Micae Martinet

8 Responses to “It Happens Every Time.”

  1. Jeannie

    Is sign language universal? Since alphabets are different, are basic words?

    • Micae Martinet

      Sign language is not universal but some signs are among some Deaf cultures are. We communicated through gesture and mostly just really enjoyed bumping into each other. It was a very happy moment for me. They were very nice people.

  2. Sendy

    I know what you mean, I always spot at least one deaf person in every country I travel.

    • Micae Martinet

      Funny how that happens, isn’t it. Some day IL tell you the story about meeting a deaf German guy in Sumatra who knew someone from San Diego!

  3. Robber

    Interesting! I always though sign language was the universal language, myth Busted!
    I imagine some of the signs you taught us in Mexico would translate anywhere 😉

    • Micae Martinet

      Oooooh nooooo! I’m trying to remember what signs I taught you.Yikes

  4. Henry Howlett

    A man by the name of Rob Clark sent me here 🙂

    Great story, a really fun place to see how various cultures around the world sign, check out

    Hope I can make a journey like yours one day. Cheers!

    • Micae Martinet

      Hi Henry, thanks for visiting.I’ll have to thank Rob for sending you here. I will check out spread the sign. It sounds like it’s right up my alley.

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