Stone Forest

rps20150608_175225Today we passed through a place called Stone Forrest. It’s basically a bunch of limestone rocks that stick up out of the ground. It was pretty and on our way so we walked in one end, took a few pictures and walked out the other end.
It’s not really near any town so bus loads of tourists roll I’m and basically do what we did. Break out the selfie-stick, snap a fee and jump back on the bus.

We did 17 and 1/2 miles today and since we are still a good 8 or 9 miles from a town with a hotel we are camping again. We found a spot on a little tree filled hill between two different routes. We hear road noises on either side of us but I don’t think anybody even knows we are up here.

About Micae Martinet

2 Responses to “Stone Forest”

  1. Ann Mcguffey

    Sounds like an interesting place. Looking forward to seeing the pictures!

    • Micae Martinet

      It’s a wicked trifecta. Connectivity, battery life and me having the energy. I’ll try to get some pics up tonight ; )

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