Mud Swallows

We walked a little over 4 miles from our campsite to the first restaurant we saw. Now we are enjoying a little breakfast while we watch fledgling mud swallows make their first attempts at flight. They are so brave rps20150607_094632and confident. It takes a lot of nerve and gumption to leave a warm nest and trust that your own wings will keep you aloft. I want to cheer for them. “Hooray, you did it!”
We are looking forward to a hotel tonight. A bed, any kind of a shower, a sink to do laundry in. Good news! There’s allegedly a hotel 17 miles down the road. Even better news! Doug says we are now 1/4 finished with our walk. Hooray, we did it! Now we just need to do it 3 more times. I trust that our wings will keep us aloft.

About Micae Martinet

2 Responses to “Mud Swallows”

    • Micae Martinet

      Thanks Rob, we calculated that we have walked about 319 miles. If we keep doing 20 mile days, we will be half way through in 15 more days!

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