We are in Zhoukua and we could get some seriously swelled heads if we stayed here much longer. We went into a local store looking for deoderant and baby-wipes and we were received like celebrities. Every female employee there squealed and pulled out her cell phone, took off her work smock and posed for photos with Doug and I. I went back to the store to give out some of our postcards and stopped for a few more photos. As I was walking out I swear on everything I hold holy, one girl shouted out in English, ” I love you!!!”. I’m not sure who they think we are but I will tell you this; I would never allow myself to be photographed at home looking the way I do right now. Doug went back into the store to get some ice cream and was stopped to pose for some more photos. It was a hoot to have it happen once but I will tell you this; if I ever see a celebrity out in public, I will do them a solid and pretend that I didn’t see them at all. We are only C list celebs here, I can’t imagine what it would be like to be an A-lister.

About Micae Martinet

4 Responses to “A Trip To The Store”

  1. Jeannie

    Wow I am so glad I know you guys, I need more pictures with you so I can say I know celebrities.

    • Micae Martinet

      We are talking about coming out for labor day weekend. Hope to see you and Takoda then.

  2. Roberto

    Can I have the address please haha?! Songs like you are having a great time. I left FB FYI so glad you have this site!



    • Micae Martinet

      I’ll miss you on FB, Rob. Thanks for checking in here.

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