We stopped to buy some water this morning and shared our story with this shop owner. The closer and closer we get to Hong Kong the more surprised people seem to get. We gave him a postcard snd he asked us to sign it!
It’s nice to be received so warmly.
Yesterday aftwrnoon we were shouted out of the hotel that we were trying to check into. We we were so close, we had the room key in our hands when another woman came out, took the key back,returned our money and became agitated and quite angry.
We walked one block down the street and found another hotel. We asked if they had a washing machine and they told us no but they would do it for us and quoted us a price – 50 kuai or roughly $8. We thought it was a little pricey but worth it. A few hours later, our laundry was done. We had misunderstood the fee for doing our laundry. It wasn’t 50 kuai. It was 5 kuai! That works out to about 80 cents!
We also went to a foot massage place today. It was brutal! They massage/ beat your back, neck arms and shoulders while your feet soak. Then they cut your toenails with a very sharp chisel instrument. They manage to somehow do this without cutting off your toes. I asked them to leave my callouses alone. We need them for another 400 miles yet. They use the same chisel instrument (Doug says it looked like a sharpened putty knife) to shave off your callouses. I watched with trepidation as a man went to town on the feet of the guy sitting to my right. Doug and I are thinking about trying it out when we get to Hong Kong.
In other exciting news, we picked up a package that we had mailed to ourselves. I’m very excited to be wearing a new shirt. Doug also went shopping for replacement sandals for himself. He didn’t have any luck but he did find a new pair of pants for me. I’ve got a whole new wardrobe practically!
So I am curious why some of the hotels seem to get agitated and give you the boot?! Is it that they don’t like American’s, or you guys look and smell rugged after hiking all day?!
We have heard that not all hotels are licensed to rent to Western tourists. I have no idea why they get so upset. It’s a mystery to us. I’ve thought about it. Maybe the penalty is so severe that they don’t even want us to be seen in their hotel. Maybe they think it’s a set-up or a sting operation. The language barrier thing is the most frustrating in these situations. This afternoon it took us about an hour for THREE guys working together to check us in. ONE HOUR! And do you want to know what the most frustrating part of it was? The girl they sent upstairs to prepare a room for us actually spoke some English!!!! Yep, they send her to clean the room (women’s work?) while the three of them struggle to enter the info from our passports and visas into their computer. She probably could have checked us in in 5 minutes while THEY cleaned the room!